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Melanie E. Rawlins Research Grant

The deadline for receiving grant requests is April 1.

(Grantees will be notified of their application's status in June.)

The Schultz Foundation for Advancing Counseling will award up to $1,000 to each Melanie E. Rawlins Research Grant recipient.  Applicants may be a counseling graduate student, a practicing mental health professional (minimum Master's degree), counseling or mental health organization in Illinois.

Applicants must also meet one of the following criteria to be eligible to apply for a grant with the Schultz Foundation for Advancing Counseling.

  • The proposal must aid clients and/or populations within Illinois, or

  • Advance an Illinois counseling professional with training, research, school counseling, professional development, or social emphasis program


IRB approval must be attained before submitting a grant proposal. Only applications that have been fully reviewed and approved by the Institutional Review Board will be considered.

Particular areas to be focused on include, but are not limited to: 


  • Under-served Populations

  • Disadvantaged

  • Veterans

  • Increasing awareness of counseling

  • Increasing knowledge of obtaining support for counseling/mental health programs, how and where to get grants

  • Use of technology 

  • Ways to improve mental health services, methods, approaches, and techniques

  • Improving Counselor Education and Training

  • Leadership Training and Participation

  • Improving ways to get counselors and students involved in the mental health profession

  • Mental Health Professionals and Political Advocacy

  • Immigrants and Immigration

  • Coping with the effects of traumatic events (i.e., natural disasters, gun violence, sexual assault, grief, emotional trauma, terrorism, human/sex trafficking)

  • Special consideration will be given to applications regarding the use of innovation and technology in meeting the needs of populations impacted or impaired by COVID-19. This includes social workers, counselors, and mental health professionals utilizing technology in an effort to assist clients and agencies in need.




This grant is to support a research project, the results of which must be submitted for publication in an appropriate professional journal and/or be submitted as a proposal for presentation at a local, state, regional, or national professional counseling/mental health conference either in person or virtually. The recipient is to notify the Foundation of his or her plans and where proposals have been submitted in the final report. Failure to submit a final report by the requested deadline may result in forfeiture of the grant and/or future funding.

The Foundation requires that the individual or group representative applying for a grant belong to a professional mental health organization, such as the Illinois Counseling Association, in order to ensure grants are awarded to those who are adhering to a professional Code of Ethics. 

The use of grant funds for salaries and/or stipends will be considered.  

Mileage in the grant application can be considered for transporting clients to and from your program.

This research project must be completed within a year of receiving grant funds and must advance the counseling profession. 

Only one Schultz Foundation for Advancing Counseling application may be submitted per grant cycle.  Duplication of any application will result in the forfeiture of grant funds.


Proceed to Submit an Application for the Melanie E. Rawlins Research Grant


Contact Us
Schultz Foundation for Advancing Counseling

28 Shorewood Drive | Macomb, IL 61455
309.306.1193 | 



In January 2017 the Secretary of State approved the Illinois Counseling Association Foundation's request to conduct business as the
Schultz Foundation for Advancing Counseling.

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