Ms. Nicole Zook
Nicole Zook received her B.A. in Psychology from Saint Mary's College, Notre Dame, IN, in 2006. Upon graduation she enlisted in the United States Marine Corps, leaving as a sergeant in 2010 after deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan where she earned multiple personal awards. After receiving an honorable discharge, she returned to Northeastern Illinois University and received her M.A. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling in 2014.
She is currently pursuing a doctoral degree in Counselor Education and Supervision from Governors State University and was recently awarded the Student Veterans of America Scholarship Award.
As a counselor at the Youth Service Bureau of Rock Island County, Nicole enjoys working with children, adolescents, and families who may not otherwise be able to afford services. In
2015, Nicole became the first Schultz Foundation double award grantee through both a personal Merlin W. Schultz Professional Development Grant and the Robert J. Nejedlo Social Emphasis
Grant on behalf of Youth Service Bureau's Peer Justice Program to provide counseling services for juvenile delinquency prevention. As a result, Nicole is passionate about the work the Schultz Foundation
does and is excited to join the Board of Directors to support the mission.